Probate Attorney Serving Long Island New York

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New York City Probate Lawyers

Has a loved recently passed away and there was no living will or witness to the will? Probate is the process when courts delegate the assets of the deceased to the living beneficiaries. If you feel that you are entitled to part or all of a person’s estate, Zemsky and Salomon estate planning team of lawyers and attorneys can help you get what is rightfully yours. Furthermore, if a deceased person has left any debts, the courts will help clear any monies owed. Zemsky and Salomon of Long Island NY can help with the proceedings during this process which usually last between six and nine months.

Contact our Long Island NY Estate Planning Law Firm Form More Information About Probates

If you or a loved one needs assistance with probates or any Estate Planning, call the Long Island Attorneys and Lawyers of Zemsky & Salomon P.C. for a free consultation.  We can be reached at (516) 485-3800 or complete the form below.


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